If you haven't been buying your husband a gift it's never too late to start. You might have a bit of a hard time finding a good gift for him because there are very few things available that are specifically meant to be fathers day gifts. If you think you'll find an easy solution like your husband does by giving you flowers, you're going to be disappointed. You're likely going to come across the usual suggestions to buy your husband a new shirt, or a golf club or to sign him up for something. Don't fall for it. This isn't the time to start getting your husband to try new stuff, a fathers day gift is meant to appreciate a man's role as a dad and all these gifts are equivalent to being given a toaster or a cookbook for mothers day.
What will help you buy a good gift for your husband is the element of surprise. Even if you've been giving him a fathers day gift in the past but it's been the routine sports or auto stuff (sometimes just a gift certificate to have the car waxed), a change will work to your advantage.
Change doesn't mean that you sign him up for dancing lessons instead of tennis ones, it means that you break away from these traditional boring gifts and give him something he can enjoy. He's bound to love anything food related, you can either cook him a special meal (much like getting breakfast in bed on mothers day) or you can order him a special food treat like fathers day gift baskets or fruit bouquets. Fruit bouquets are fresh fruit arrangements made with strawberries, pineapples, oranges, grapes, bananas and all sorts of other fruits.
While you husband may be expecting to add yet another tie to his already piling collection, he'll actually be getting a fun surprise.
Many companies sell unique fruit bouquets and delicious fathers day gift baskets; they roll out new lines of their products for special occasions like mothers day and fathers day. Try something different this year and buy a fruit bouquet for your dad. Fruit bouquets come with chocolate sauce.
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